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Free self-test:
Way I have symptoms of one
Borderline personality disorder?


And if you have the feeling that everything is falling apart right now, stay calm. It just re-sorts.



This free test is based on the symptoms that people with Borerline Personality Disorder according to DSM-IV have.  

Borderline self-test: No substitute for a discussion with a doctor or therapist


This test does not replace a conversation with a doctor and can not be seen as a clear medical, psychological or psychotherapeutic diagnosis . It just shows whether you have symptoms of borderline and whether there is a possibility of the disease. If this is the case, I recommend that you seek further clarification from a specialist.


The text consists of 12 questions and takes about 2 minutes . The answers are only used for your evaluation. The test does not provide any information about you, nor are any answers passed on. 

Self-test: do I have borderline?


The closer the score is to 100%, the higher the likelihood of borderline illness.


Please take a deep breath now , because it is very important that you read this again: This is not yet a diagnosis , it is just a clue!


If you feel that you are not doing well after taking the borderline test, please seek help

  • I link all possible offers on the Emergency Contact Points page.  

  • On my page " What is borderline " you can find out exactly again  read up on what a borderline disorder is.  

  • Under " My lifeline " I describe everything that helped me - maybe you will find something suitable for you here right now.  


The important thing is: Get help - even if your score is very low or 0 and you are not doing well. Talking about it or using therapy is always a sign of courage and strength.  

Under self-help you will find everything that helps in a crisis:

You can find survival aids on my website  everything that helped me:


All the best,

your Johanna

Something else important!


You support this project with a donation!

AT91 3745 8000 0102 4769 / BIC: RVVGAT2B458

For the sake of readability, I do not gender in the text, but of course I address you all! :)

This is NOT a substitute for therapy. This is MY personal page with MY personal experiences.  

I support accessibility : Declaration of accessibility

Image rights:

all pictures are from the great platform

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You can also find me on Quora


Share it with other sufferers, relatives, friends - help me reach more of us.


To show ourselves and the world: We are already in the right place! 

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